
Causes tension sensor failure

About the tension sensor problem many customers buy frequently may encounter, tension sensor failure and problems in the market directly after buying a new replacement, put something directly after use. So why is there tension sensor failures and problems we all know what the reasons are you, today to introduce tension sensor for the big reason for failure.Often such a problem, the customer will complain tension sensor quality, in fact, is not the problem but the quality of the sensor you are using the force Position Sensor when no attention to critical issues.People may tend to ignore this problem is to buy back the new force sensor is not directly used to calibrate. This is not correct, replace the tension sensor should be used after standard weights or ring dynamometer correct their accuracy to within the standard error control, rather than a change over. Tension sensor is a mechanical Crank Position Sensor is to perceive certain physical, chemical, biological, and other information into easy to detect, process information, and having individual functions, components or assemblies.Usually sensitive components and processing circuitry of two parts. The former perform sensing functions, the latter sensor information output amplification and transmission processing. Tension sensor according to the different appearance and functionality can be divided into S-type tension sensor, column force sensor, force sensor plate ring, hook scale sensors, pull pressure sensors.Force sensor is a device a very important part of the application. Good quality tension sensor measurement accuracy will be more accurate, error control within the scope of the standard. So tension sensor quality is very important for us at the time of purchase is not necessarily a good thing to choose expensive, often we must pass parameters compared precise selection, select an appropriate application of the force sensor is the most important

