
Optional temperature and humidity sensors , using skills summary

Temperature and humidity is a fundamental physical quantity , nature and all the processes are all closely related to temperature and humidity . TemperatureSensor Development earliest and most widely used of a class of sensors. Temperature sensor can be divided into three types: traditional discrete sensors, such as thermocouples , thermistors, thermal diode , etc. as well as analog integrated sensors . Wave interaction with matter under the law , have been born acoustic temperature sensors, laser sensors, infrared Shaft Position Sensor and microwave Crank Position Sensors, sensor network of experts also offers a variety of temperature and humidity sensors and sensor solutions related to , the following briefly introduce temperature and humidity sensor the purchase and use of skills. Humidity sensors and humidity measurements are 90 years the rise of the industry. How to use a good humidity sensor , how to determine the humidity sensor performance, which for the average user is concerned, is still a more complex technical issues.

