
Type of light source used in fiber optic sensors

Fiber optic sensors use many different types of light sources , according to the coherence of the light source can be divided into coherent and non- coherent light source into two categories. Non-coherent light source includes a light source and a light-emitting diode white flag , the coherent light source includes a variety of lasers, helium-neon gas laser path , solid lasers. In most fiber optic sensors coherent light source you want to use . Light detector consisting of a fiber optic sensor is an important part of its performance will directly affect the performance of Engine Temperature Sensors , so it is very important to understand . The optical fiber sensor probe is generally Photoelectric sensors , whose role is to convert light energy into electrical energy. Therefore, also known as photovoltaic devices. Optical fiber sensor probes generally requires the following: linear, proportionally converts the optical signal to an electrical signal. High sensitivity, can be sensitive tiny input optical signal, and outputs the electrical signal larger . Response frequency bandwidth, fast response transported degree , good dynamic performance . Stable performance, low noise and so on.

